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Make an Original
Making an original character in a world already full of lore can seem daunting. Generally, our staff recommend that all newcomers check out our Compendium to search wanted and open characters before they settle on creating an original. You never know when a canon or wanted character will fit perfectly with your original vision - two birds, one stone!

For those who have already searched and found nothing in sync with their own muse, we offer you this page! A plethora of ideas, plots and character concepts that could inspire an original creation. Simply answer the questions below, selecting the categories/traits that you're most interested in for a character and we'll give you a list of results: occupations and plot devices that might be of interest to you. The same occupations crop up in different search parametres but the plot suggestions given alongside them change depending on the preferences you've chosen. Who Do You Want to Play? If none of our wanted or canon characters have caught your eye, we are excited to see the original creation you might bring to our world! To help integrate your original character, the below questions can help direct you to character concepts or plot ideas. Try to picture the 'feel' of your original character and answer the questions below:
Assassin Citizen Occupation

Believe it or not, assassins do not have to be immoral. To be an 'assassin' instead of a 'mercenary', a character commits themselves solely to the art of killing, rather than war-mongering or thievery. Their actions may lead to additional complications to this effect, but it is not their aim. Their purpose is death and death only. How their clients then use that death is not their business. Assassins usually have complete autonomy over their choice of work and global freedom to travel as they will, unless they are a 'pet' assassin kept in check by a powerful family / individual. Given an assassin's skills, this is rare and would require serious loyalty or forced blackmail etc. An assassin can see themselves as justful retribution, only killing those they see as immoral. Alternatively, they can work for the money only and care nothing for who meets their blade. They will usually be skilled in multiple ways to kill: blades, strangulation, suffocation, poison or orchestrating 'accidents'. They are unlikely to brew poison or form their weapons themselves so will have contacts in the smithing and poultice-making world. They could be of either biological sex and any age, though the trials of accessing private homes or hidden areas may make a younger / fitter assassin more effective. Then again, there's no substitute for the wisdom of experience...


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Attendant Citizen Occupation

Like retainers or aides, attendants are employed to service others. But they are employed by formal institutes, not personal families. They might be the servants working in the local bath houses, or librarians in scholarly institutes, for example. They can be male or female (their sex perhaps dependent on the role, as some cultures would not allow male attendants in a females-only bath house etc.) and can come from any background, nationality or ethnicity. This role allows characters access to people of all walks of life (more specifically the lower end of the social spectrum) and could provide a certain level of global-mobility, as they could always move to another city and find new work of a similar sort there; they are not confined to one singular employer. Work like this is seen as more respectable than a common labourer but also too low-brow for any child of a noble house, making this an occupation for the common born.


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Barber Citizen Occupation

In an era when male appearance is often as thought upon as female, hair care is an important role. This might be a specialist who cuts and curls the hair of young maidens. They may tend to the hair and beards of holy men. They may be consulted on how to grow more hair in communities where hair is linked to machismo. Or, they might be skilled at removing body and head hair in preparation for their client wearing the fashionable wigs of the time. They may be a communal barber, working for a low wage in bath houses, or they could be a highly sought artisan of the body and be kept in good comfort by a nobleman. They might work in the military, helping the men maintain their facial hair, or serve in the courts or temples where traditional management of hair is part of their protocol. In short, barbers can be found everywhere. They are usually, though not always, male and can be of any age or background. As this is a serving role, it is unlikely that someone born to noble blood would become a barber, unless it was a role such as personal barber to the king (yet, why would a nobleman even begin in such a career in the first place...?) Some food for thought...


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Beggar Citizen Occupation

Whilst a stray or beggar might appear a boring / restricted role, it can be versatile and liberating for the right character. Tied to neither home nor person, a beggar is entirely geographically-mobile, provided they have the smarts to stowaway on the right ship or con a traveller into allowing them passage. They are generally ignored or thought to be worthy of nothing so they are under- estimated, giving opportunity to pick-pocketing or information gathering. There is never a reason why a begger cannot be in a particular public (or sometimes private) place at a particular time, meaning there are fewer restrictions for these characters becoming involved in new plots in random places. Beggars come in all forms of sex, ethnicity, age and nationality. Depending on the land, they may be seen as scorned by the Gods and considered dirty or cursed. Alternatively, they could be seen as living a life of penance or purity, like a holy hermit. This role may be constantly shunned IC but with the right manipulation has a huge number of opportunities for play.


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Blacksmith Citizen Occupation

Working with metal, blacksmiths can focus on a number of tasks: straight metal work like hinges, bolts, keys and buckles; the cladding of horse shoes or bolts for chariot wheels; the manipulation of gold and silver; the forging of weapons, etc. Whilst women are not entirely cut off from this line of work they are far less likely to be a part of smithing than they are crafting or carpentry. Smithing is hard work, involving heat, billows, coal, wood, large metal machines and the hammering of metal into shape. These are not tasks suited to a woman of this era. To create a female blacksmith is to buck many trends of the time and should be considered carefully. For men, this work is hard but well-respected. However, forging a failing chair is not so dangerous as a failing sword and producing a single error / mistake like a product that leads to a nobleman's death will put you out of business very quickly. Smithing is dirty work so characters in this role will likely remain within the lower classes and their own social circles. This being said, they are more likely to interact with men of higher standing if they are contracted for military work. Using our Character Compendium, you can search for militant characters if interested in this role and its connection to conflict.


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Body Artisan Citizen Occupation

Some cultures encourage the decoration of the body. Tattoos, piercings, neck elongation, bead work, scarrification and other body modifications are popular in many different lands, or seen as barbaric or uncultured in others. Choose your land carefully and this role could be affluent, come with authority and access to the higher levels of that culture's society and involve social and geographic mobility. In others it could result in shunning, persecution or action-based drama. As this is a service role, similar to a barber, it is rare for characters in these positions to come from noble houses or the higher classes, unless their culture specifically heralds this skill as very grand or significant.


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Body Slave Enslaved

A house slave is owned by a house and a body slave owned by an individual. Ergo, if a slave is owned by the daughter of a royal house and that daughter is married into another, the slave would go with them. If they are a house slave, they would remain with the original family as they are still their owners. Body slaves are often owned for more personal purposes like acting as a retainer or aid, a personal maid who helps to dress and wash their master / mistress or as a sexual submissive for their owner's enjoyment. They can be sent on any kind of task, similar to a house slave. This role would be in a good position for court politics, gossip and / or general familial drama. The higher their owner's authority, the more involved they will likely be in global plotlines. Slaves are owned by their masters but may have once been free men / women. This means there is also the chance for past plots and stories to come back into the limelight in their lives. They also have in-depth / intimate access to their owners' lives, so could be bribed or used by others seeking information.


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Carpenter Citizen Occupation

A carpenter works specifically with wood but this does not limit their skills. They might build furniture, beads, the bottom of sandals, furniture, picture frames, looms, chariots, wagon wheels or the wooden body of shields or shafts of lances. They might focus on practical creations or decorative ones. Most expert carpenters are men as boys are more often taken on as apprentices than women, plus with large carpentry work, strength is an asset. But this by no means dissuades carpenters from teaching their daughters or nieces, especially if they have no sons. Like with traders, women may find a few glass ceilings in this profession but there are ways of avoiding it, such as hiding their biological sex, operating through a husband, brother or father or simply being too exceptional a worker to be ignored. A wealthy benefactor can also help with this, if they are particularly bowled over by a carpenter's expertise. Consider other areas this occupation may impact upon a woman. Carpentry is hard on the hands, turns skin rough and muscles strong. A young woman might have few marital offers if she appears hard and rough from long hours at the workshop. This could cause animosity or issue with her own family and the ability to have future generations. For men, these considerations are not so prevalent. Characters in this role will be open to economic, financial and potentially international plotlines. They may also have access to royal or noble homes if needing to measure for fitting furniture, etc. Check our Lands Overview for basic information on each land's economy and trade resources (such as timber).


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Chief Slave Enslaved

A chief slave operates like a house steward but for slaves instead of servants. In lands where slavery is permitted, a household may be rich enough to have upwards of a hundred slaves. A chief slave is in charge of either all slaves in a household or an area within that household, such as a chief slave of the kitchens or of the stables. A chief slave is given more liberties but has higher responsibilities than a normal slave and is often punished for the failures of those he manages. He is more often male than female and is usually promoted to chief slave from being a house, body, public or nexus slave. It is rare for a sentence slave to be placed in a position of authority like a chief slave. This is a good occupation for anyone looking for spy / informant stories, as slaves are usually ignored, but they do not have great geographic-freedom as slaves are the property of their masters and cannot journey away from their owners. Chances of travel are slight if a family member is fond of a slave and wishes to have them accompany them on a journey, but this is very rare. Slaves are generally invisible and rarely receive favour unless for a particular reason. This role would be in a good position for court politics, gossip and / or general familial drama. The higher their owner's authority the more involved they will likely be in global plotlines. Slaves are owned by their masters but may have once been free men / women. This means there is also the chance for past plots and stories to come back into the limelight in their lives.


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Concubine Noble Circles

Maimon (Babylonia and Assyria), Ešerti (Hattusa). Concubine positions are pre-established through our Canon characters for Assyria. On occasion, new concubine additions may be permitted by our staff team. Seraglios (harems) in Hattusa, Babylonia and Mitanni (the municipality within Assyria) can number in the hundreds and are always open to original character additions. Check our Character Census for lists of current concubines in these areas. Concubines are the kept mistresses of powerful men in certain kingdoms. Maimons live in cloistered seraglios, meaning they are not permitted to be intimate with any other men besides their 'Bel-'. They are often masked or kept out of site of male visitors and have limited freedoms outside the seraglio buildings. Ešertis are non-cloistered and permitted to visit with other men (even sleep with them), leave their harem home and live independent lives. However, suspicious favouritism or the idea that a concubine may be spilling secrets or betraying their primary man (their Isha) in any way causes violent recompense. Ergo, liberties are handled with care. Concubines are, by definition, beautiful or exotic-looking in some way. They may also be attractive to their primary male (Bel- or Isha) due to skills in bed or entertainment, such as musical or dancing skill. A woman may only need one such talent to be brought into the seraglio. A woman having all of these accomplishments may be preferred over others. A concubine is a position of great respect, particularly in Hattusa. They are treated like princesses and favoured grandly in the hopes of appeasing their partners. This power can be used for good or selfish means but is always tied to a partner's affection. Ergo, a woman can be as selfish or cruel as she likes, so long as she maintains the favour of her partner.


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Cook Citizen Occupation

From personal chefs in the royal and noble palaces of the lands to a street vender serving steamed potatoes, cooks and chefs keep the world fed. They might be geographically-mobile if they are wandering salesmen or take their traditional food to other lands. Or, if they work within a particular home or government building, they could be restrained to their own city. They can be of either biological sex and any age and will have strong connections with traders of foodstock, herbs and equipment. They can also be hired for one-off events if a particular noble lady wishes to have foods from abroad served at her banquet or there's a festival in town.


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Crafter Citizen Occupation

Crafters are like traders but actually get their hands dirty. A trader might deal in the goods made by crafters, or a crafter may sell them onwards themselves. Crafters might include: seam- stresses, those that adorn clothes with jewels and additional pieces of gold work; jewellery makers (bracelets, armbands, hair pieces, silver beads to be used in beards or toe rings, etc.); leather workers for things like belts and bridles, or those that take the straps and work them into shoes; potters and workers of china and ceramic. If you can make it, you're a crafter. Most expert crafters are men as boys are more often taken on as apprentices than women but this by no means disuades crafters from teaching their daughters or nieces, especially if they have no sons. Like with traders, women may find a few glass ceilings in this profession but there are ways of avoiding it such as hiding their biological sex, operating through a husband, brother or father or simply being too exceptional a crafter to be ignored. A wealthy benefactor can also help with this, if they are particularly bowled over by a crafter's expertise. Characters in this role will be open to economic, financial and potentially international plotlines. They may also have access to royal / noble homes if respected enough. Check our Lands Overview for basic information on each land's economy and trade resources.


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Entertainer Citizen Occupation

Similar to artisans, entertainers could be the children of the noble (or even far-reaching royal) households if the skill in question is considered 'fine'. Women in particular, from noble houses, might be applauded for learning a skill like dancing or music to the standard where she can actually be paid for it. Other entertainments like juggling, tomfoolery or story-telling are generally considered to be of lower status. The skill, therefore, affects those most likely to learn it. Entertainers, depending on their level of ability, could be used in festivals, could perform on street corners of coins or be invited as primary entertainment at formal, courtly functions. The style of entertainer affects the kinds of social shoulders they will rub up against.


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Faction Member Citizen Occupation

Factions are groups that operate outside the law of a land or simply disregard it entirely. They could be anarchists, radicals or full-on cults. They might be bands of thieves or assassins. An original character can join any of our current factions, or you can create a new faction of your own. Our World Contribution page lists all the information you need to get one up and running.


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Merchants Guild Citizen Occupation

The Merchant's Guild is an organisation that handles trade and money conversions across the Aegean and Mediterranean Sea. Hattusa, Hellas, Phoenicia and Roma are all participating lands which makes any character within those lands who buys and sells a member of the Merchant's Guild. This Guild requires administrators and representatives to travel the land and ensure the smooth transactions of its members. These people would be men more often than women, would be skilled negotiators and would know the worth of most goods in the known world.


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Maritime Guild Citizen Occupation

Any character across the entire known world can be a member of the Maritime Guild. The Guild is a registry of every man or woman who is permitted to sail under trade or combat purposes. It lists official sailors, captains and individuals who are permitted to commission ships (such as prominent noblemen). Everyone listed with the Maritime Guild may be able to sail themselves. Every vessel sailing in the waters of Aeipathy must carry a commissioner or captain registered with the Maritime Guild. Those who are not are considered pirates. The Maritime Guild employs officials to track down said pirates and patrol the waters.


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Order / Faction Member Citizen Occupation

We have several Orders and Factions on Aeipaty and any character, original or canon alike, can be or become a member. All ranks held within our different orders and factions are listed in this page as separate results. However, you can also check out our Factions and Orders page for more information on each group to see if you want your original character to be a part of one. Alternatively, visit our World Contribution page to learn more about how to create your own Order or Faction in which your character can be a member or leader.


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House Slave Enslaved

A house slave works directly under a chief slave. They are not called house slaves because they work within a house but because they are owned by a particular family / house. They are usually assigned an area based on skills, gender or abilities (for example: a female slave is more likely to be assigned to manage the bedchamber of a house's female members, a male slave more likely to have the strength needed to manage horses). A house slave could work within a household or be used as a messenger / runner outside of it. They are rarely sent abroad for fear of them not coming back. This role would be in a good position for court politics, gossip and / or general familial drama. The higher their owner's authority, the more involved they will likely be in global plotlines. Slaves are owned by their masters but may have once been free men / women. This means there is also the chance for past plots and stories to come back into the limelight in their lives. They also have in-depth/intimate access to their owners' lives, so could be bribed or used by others seeking information.


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House Steward Citizen Occupation

A house steward is the leader of domestic servants within a private abode. This may be a royal or noble house or simply a wealthy one. They are in charge of managing the other servants, fulfilling personal tasks requested by their employers and generally keeping the household running, similar to a modern day butler. They are often older with high levels of experience and often, though not always, possess a fierce loyalty to their family. They are privy to the most in-depth secrets and goings-on in the household. This is a good occupation for a character who wants social mobility (as a head steward may be permitted into Court etc., alongside their employers) but not geographic-freedom, as the steward is generally kept with the household, especially if their family are abroad or away. This role would be in a good position for court politics, gossip and / or general familial drama. The higher their family's authority the more involved they will likely be in global plotlines.


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Kabir'rayiys Citizen Occupation

The kabir'rayiys is the official title for the leader of the Sariqas faction from Assyria. It is assigned to whomever leads the forty thieves. This role usually involves ruling over a particular group of trusted allies and then managing, from afar, the actions of other groups carrying out thievery missions across the lands. The Kabir'rayiys can be usurped if a Sariqas thief has enough support, though this normally results in the death of his closest allies also, for their loyalty rarely sways. The leader of the Sariqas is usually a native to their homeland Assyria and can be male or female. Males are generally more accepted, so any female placed in the role must have a fearsome reputation to be considered. This leader must also be literate in order to send messages to his different units of thieves. This role should be generally claimed by someone immoral and selfish, or at least interested solely in monetary gain. The Sariqas are a criminal faction and operate outside all forms of government, so they also need to be cunning and intelligent when assessing risk and enemies.


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Labourer Citizen Occupation

An unskilled labourer could be a slave or a free man. They might work in mines, digging for ore, minerals or gold. They might work to keep the streets clean, deck out public places when festivals are due, or work under a manager to build or carve new homes. They might log timber to build roofs and floors, carve houses from stone, or replace broken street tiles. Labourers are usually men but can also be women, depending on the task and the strength required. This might seem like a boring role, but any character of any class could have a broken floor mosaic or need a well in the town square fixed. A labourer, assigned to a dozen different places a month, has extreme social versatility when it comes to introducing themselves into threads and plots, even if they might be travel-limited to their own land. Alternatively, an architect or designer might have a permanent team of builders and labourers and take them with him when he goes to visit clients abroad, so travel is not impossible. As this is a service / physical role, no noble-born character would be seen taking on this kind of work, so all labourers would be common- born.


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Mercenary Citizen Occupation

Mercenaries are not specifically thieves nor assassins. It is important to note that mercenaries are simply able-bodied individuals (usually with high skills in combat and subterfuge) who are happy to complete any task for money. It is not the task itself that identifies a mercenary but their ideology that money wins out in the end. They might be hired to kill, to steal, to seduce, to inspect / spy, to entrap, to blackmail, to abduct... whatever is useful to their client. They may complete these tasks themselves or sub-contract out to a professional in a particular area, such as to an assassin when an ordered death is beyond their skill set or more likely to be clean when done by a professional in that field. At the end of the day, mercenaries are just in it for the paycheck. This could come from a lack of morals, a heightened sense of self- preservation, or a genuine belief that this is 'how the world works'. A mercenary doesn't usually have a heart of gold hidden anywhere, but they do not have to be entirely soulless.


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Messenger Citizen Occupation

From the young boy who runs through shouting the latest news to private messengers tasked with secret information between kings, a messenger can come from any walk of life and be of either biological sex. A female prostitute, for example, could be a messenger just as much as the youngest daughter of a noble household could - it just depends who you are trying to get your message to. This role would put a character slap bang in the middle of political or personal drama, making them vulnerable to abduction if someone wants the information they've been charged with keeping. It would bring a character into proximity with every class of character in any sector. Messengers who relay instructions in the military must be male.


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Mistress / Mister Citizen Occupation

Playing the role of infidelity opens doors to political, familial and romantic drama. Whether your character is the fixation of someone else's attention and can't help but fall in love, or a deliberate manipulator seeking a place in the heart of a powerful individual, you can play this either way. The plot could be to gain power, money or favour. Or it can simply be a game of hearts, trying to win your soul mate away from their betrothed/spouse. Check our Character Census for characters of power who are already married. Read up on their plots and character profile to see if they're someone who might be interested in exploring an extra-marital arrangement. Alternatively, check unmarried women of the upper classes. Arranged marriages are common tools in their lives, so a romance cut short by an unwanted engagement could set the stage for playing mister / mistress to someone else's future spouse. Extra-marital affairs can be sparked anywhere there's chemistry, no matter someone's birth, upbringing or moral character.


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Money Lender Citizen Occupation

As with our modern culture, worlds in this era run on money and sometimes money runs short. Money lender, currency trader, loan shark, whatever you want to call them or whatever you want their focus to be, a money lender comes with a pot of gold and silver and uses it to keep control over others, either through debts or owings. As money lenders must have a certain amount of precious stones and metals to hand, they have usually spent years building their economic system and will either be much older or have inherited it from someone else. In most lands and cultures money lenders will be most trusted if they are men but there are easy ways for a woman to hide their sex behind a male figurehead or simply hold so much power and reputation that it overrides the prejudice of her sex. Money lenders often operate in the shadows, using shady means in order to keep their clients in check and repaying their debts. This opens doors to financial and political drama, as well as familiar strife and secrets. Too soft a heart and you'll be bankrupt in no time. But make the wrong enemy of a powerful person and some protection (see Armsmen entry) might be necessary.


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Nexus Slave Enslaved

A nexus slave is someone who was once free but sold themselves into slavery in payment for a debt they could not repay otherwise. They are therefore slaves for an alloted period of time only. They can be assigned as a public, house or body slave. As they are a slave for a limited period of time, this can be used to their advantage, gaining information and access that may aid them once they are free again.


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Herbalist Citizen Occupation

Some lands might call them healers and others curies, while some communities might have Shamans who double as the poultice-maker and herbalist for their tribal group. A poulticier or healer might work with medicinal herbs, forming tonics, brews, powders and ointments that ease the suffering of others. They might also be poisoners, deliberately making the same items in a manner that will deal harm. Usually healers and poisoners are aware of both forms (e.g. small doses of certain poisons can actually be healing to the body), so it is usually down to a characters morals or financial concerns that decide whether they tread the path of medicine or that of poison. Some may switch between the two depending on what a client wants or is willing to pay. Healers, when used for good means, usually treat the lower classes or those who believe physicians to be heretics. Poisoners, on the other hand, are useful at all levels of society and may rub shoulders with any number of upper class members. Poultice-makers can reasonably be of either biological sex and any age, ethnicity or nationality. Their only barrier is the prejudices of the land they are in. E.g. a man from a more xenophobic land may not be happy with a 'foreigner' healer treating his ill wife. But these are specific to the context, not the character.


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Public Slave Enslaved

A public slave is owned by government powers: a senate, a council, a political group... A public slave is not owned by any one person or family but by a nation or civil service. They are usually used as messengers, labourers and for basic tasks like street cleaning, bath house attending or possibly scribe work if they are literate. Slaves are often invisible and unnoticed so this role gives huge opportunities for exploration around the city, chances of informant / spy plots and potential criminal activities. They are not free and do not own their own lives so have certain limitations in travel and free time.


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Sentence Slave Enslaved

A sentence slave is someone who was sold into slavery as punishment for a crime. Like a nexus slave, their period of slavery is a set time- frame. They can be assigned as a public, house or body slave. As they are a slave for a limited period of time, this can be used to their advantage, gaining information and access that may aid them once they are free again.


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Servant Citizen Occupation

Servants within households are usually reserved for the wealthy, especially if their lands permit the keeping of slaves as these are cheaper and more likely to be owned by poorer families than servants. Servants are skilled, paid labourers within domestic homes. They are always well- presented and are an expression of the family they follow. They may live within servants quarters if the family is royal and rich enough to accommodate their serving staff. More commonly, they live outside their place of work, in their own homes and arrive for work each morning. This is a good occupation for a character who wants social mobility (as a servant may be permitted into Court etc. with a message or task) but not geographic-freedom, as servants cannot journey abroad / away without losing their job. Chances of travel are slight if a family member is fond of a servant and wishes to have them accompany them on a journey. This role would be in a good position for court politics, gossip and/or general familial drama. Servants can be employed in large numbers (upwards of hundreds) by rich families or small numbers (down to one or two) by the less wealthy. The higher their family's authority the more involved they will likely be in global plotlines.


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Ship Captain Citizen Occupation

Being captain of a ship opens a lot of doors. Your character's vessel could carry soldiers to battle, goods or slaves across the sea, postal messages between lands, or fish and mine the maritime world for resources. A ship captain can be highly mobile and geographically free but is unlikely to be a woman unless in Ostjord where this is acceptable. Please note that Assyria is a landlocked kingdom so being an international ship captain there is unlikely. Babylonia is flush with rivers they consider to be holy. A ship captain in Babylonia is a high authority, even if they cannot make wave out into the ocean.


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Spy / Informant Citizen Occupation

A professional spy / informant can earn well with the right benefactor or client. Someone who trades in information might do so legitimately, working under an official political position like the Master Informer (Hellas) or Overseer of Secrets (K'm't) or they could use their information for their own benefit instead of their nations, selling to the highest bidder. They may work for a particular family / individual long-term, or every new piece of information may be a product they then pitch to multiple interested parties. An informant can be of either biological sex, any age and any nationality or ethnicity. They do, however, have to be aware of prejudices within the lands they work. For example, a spy of K'm't origin is unlikely to be trusted, or their information wanted, by a Phoenician. Or there may be lands in which a woman is considered tricksome and therefore their information highly valued as intimately gained or disregarded as false. Choose your land and clients carefully. This role allows a character to be wholly mobile on a general level but have their own restrictions. Sensitive information does not fall from the sky: an informant has to be willing to play a servant, a slave, a guest or visitor to those they wish to eavesdrop on. Appearing and disappearing on a regular basis is more than a little suspicious so dedication to one'scon may limit travel or connections on a temporary basis.


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Tajmahi'rayiys Citizen Occupation

A tajmahi'rayiys is an official leader of a particular unit of thieves in the Sariqas faction from Assyria. The Sariqas, the forty thieves, are ruled by an over-arching leader (the Kabir'rayiys) but often journey in small groups ranging in size from just two or three to nearly ten, depending on the mission and allegiances made. The leaders of these smaller groups are referred to as tajmahi'rayiys. Characters in this position need to be comfortable in a position of authority but also with taking orders from someone more powerful. They should be fearsome, or charismatic, powerful or scary... whichever trait works best for them in securing power over others so that they can command and lead their group so far from the presence of their upper leadership. The Sariqas are a criminal faction outside of land governance so a certain level of immorality should be expected but it is also a group of runaways needing a home, meaning that friendship, compassion or familial affection may also be possible between a tajmahi'rayiys and his particular group of collected thieves.


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Tax Collector Citizen Occupation

Similar to a money handler / lender, a tax collector needs to be literate, probably male and skilled at extracting money from those who don't wish to part with it. However, they operate using money from the treasuries of the land, not their own pocket. They are a governmental agent who is simply employed to carry out the necessary collections or threats so that money is funnelled back into the royal holds. As this job can be dangerous and requires the ability to read and write, it is almost always carried out by men. Literacy is a skill of the educated but the role is one of low-brow service and administration to the government, so this would be a role for children of very low-end nobles or, more usually, common folk that could afford to teach their child to read. Whilst these characters are geographically-static and must stay within their land of employ, they are socially mobile. Everyone, after all, must pay their taxes and a tax collector is likely to see much as he travels from home to home...


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Thief Citizen Occupation

Any character could be the occasional pickpocket or pilferer. When we say someone is a thief, we mean on a professional level. Heists, private jackings and the stealing of priceless goods from political enemies or international buildings are all within the realm of possibility for a pro. Thieves might also band together to form Factions of criminals who work together in larger groups. A thief often takes pride in what they do as it takes great skill to lighten someone of their possessions but also to remain hidden after the fact. A thief might operate in a cloak and dagger manner or could dress in finery and attend events in the flesh, making a show of their appearance and distracting marks from their partners' pilfering hands. Generally, someone who is a professional thief will have a code of conduct that stops them sliding into the realms of 'assassin' or 'mercenary'. Thieves can be of any sex or age but are generally born to families who suffer without. This might be a trading or noble family who have fallen on hard times but more often these characters will be common born and stealing that which they do not have the ability to gain honesty due to class or prejudice divide.


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Trader Citizen Occupation

A trader in this era usually focusses on a single specialty: cloth, leather, horses, livestock, fruit, vegetables, grains and cereals, oils, coal, timber, metal, jewels, gold, silver, bronze, currency... etc. A character in these trades can be either biological sex though difficulties may arise for women in certain roles. Horses or metal, for example, may be traded goods that clients expect to be shipped and handled by men. A woman trader may find these industries harder than in fine cloth and silks, for example. That being said, women can find workarounds: they might operate as the true brains behind a figurehead in the form of a husband, father or brother; they might disguise their sex by operating by letter and through servants; they may simply have achieved so much in their industry over decades of effort that their reputation supercedes any prejudice. A trader can be born to any walk of life and operate on a local level or internationally.


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Scholar Citizen Occupation

Someone who dedicates their life to scholarly pursuit can only do so with a beneficiary. This may be a formal institute like a university or tutor school. Or it could be a rich family or individual who wants to reap the benefits of their learned expertise. The role of scholars also includes teachers or the instructors of others. This role is fairly mobile, unless one is tutoring at a formal institute on a regular basis or drifts too far from their benefactor. It can be claimed by a male or female character (though women are less likely to be permitted in the role of teacher, depending on the prejudices of the land in question) and can be of any age (though a teacher would be expected to be highly skilled in their field and therefore probably older). A scholar is more likely to be literate than the common person so will have had to have the support and education of their own or other peoples's families from a young age.


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Business Owner Citizen Occupation

Some work as traders or sellers but do not necessarily own the stall or store from which they operate. Business owners have the chance of making themselves wealthier as they own property and can use it however they wish. This may be a cloth store or a stall for selling wheat or it could be a tavern, a brothel or other place of service. Business owners are almost always male as they require the trust of the person they purchased the site from. Females usually only fall into owning land through inheritance (please check your land's Inheritance Laws to be sure of how this happens in your character's preferred area). Owners are generally older with more experience, though could be new to the business in some way and therefore younger. They are usually geographically-limited to their place of business but may also trade or work internationally, or have several places of business in different lands if very successful, opening travel doors. Depending on the level of clientele they service, owners of these kinds of places could be privy to the dramas of high society or the action and adventure of the low, depending on the writer's preference. Very wealthy and very successful business owners may even have access to the Court if they have befriended noble clients.


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Physician Citizen Occupation

The term doctor is only used in the land of Roma and such men (for they are almost always men) are normally referred to elsewhere as physicians. Physicians are men (very rarely women) who are trained in the scholarly art of science and anatomy. They have been trained and educated, funded in their learning and have walked the careful line between science and religion. They may work internally on the living, prepare and administer medical procedures on the dead (such as mummification or death rites involving organ removal) and they will also work with teeth and dentistry. Some lands herald the physician as an intellect of great skill. Others see them as borderline heretics to the Gods of the land. Certain military-minded communities might see surgery and internal anatomical work as necessary for wounds and injuries. Other cultures see cutting into a body as sacrilege and perverse. Check the World Religion page for an overview on Science vs. Religion for each land. These characters may be wandering specialists but given the poultices, equipment and spaces needed for their work are more likely to be geographically-static, keeping to the land they know and work in. Different lands have different levels of scientific/medicinal understanding so, if this is a role for your character, double-check which land you wish them to be from and read up on their particular pages of the Encyclopaedia. This role opens doors to people from all walks of life but given the money put into training a physician they are more likely to interact with the highest of classes, more than the common peerage.


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Idea #3:HERE

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Oracle Spiritual Roles

Prophets, Diviners, Spiritual Go-Betweens, Gods Incarnate... whatever they may be called oracles are permitted for original characters with one clear distinction: they are not real. A character can believe that they are an oracle, or they can con others into thinking they are one. They can be entirely honest in their belief that they have a connection to the Gods of their land. But they do not. Mortal Personas are a thing on Aeipathy, as are characters who have been Blessed or Cursed by the Gods, but these are something entirely separate. IC oracles and prophets are only as real as they are convincing, with no connection to the actual Gods either in play or in an NPC pantheon. Believed oracles, however, can hold immense power and authority in this era, even without being real. The belief of the rich and mighty can have an 'oracle' funded, supported and cared for to the heights of luxury by an individual, a family or even an entire nation. However, the road of the divine is a tricky path to navigate. There is a fine line between someone believing your character a oracular communicator with the Gods and someone cursed by them. Visions that your character claims to be communications, if disliked or seen as cursing might then sour a benefactor's view of their oracle. One wrong shun and an 'oracle' can fall from the highest of the high to the most hated of all.


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Scribe Citizen Occupation

A scribe or administrator is a hugely important role in the world particularly as so much of the populations across the lands cannot read or write. A scribe may work on a basic level, helping the common folk send letters or messages. They might work for a government or noble state, recording taxes or resource information. They could be the personal aides of powerful men and women, charged with recording their dictations, working journals or correspondence, even if their employer can write themselves. Depending on the level of a scribe's duties, different plots would be open to them at every level of society. Scribes are usually male, given most lands encourage men to be educated and literate before women and they can be of any age or background. A scribe is considered a scholarly profession so there is little shame in the child of a noble house taking this career path.


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Armsman Combat Experts

Professional guards may come from a soldier background or have been trained for private service right from the start. They could be a part of an Order or Faction like the Athenian Guard, or they could be independently paid by families or people who seek particular protection. They may guard a place or an object or be the body guard of a human being. They may be expected to be eunuchs in some lands if they are protecting a woman, they may be expected to work with a particular weapon if they are working in a ceremonial capacity. They may be expected to wear a uniform and make a show of force for their employer, they may be employed as a covert protector, following their charge at a subtle distance. Armsmen are privy to intimate places and information so could be entangled in political or familial drama where people seek to pay them for their knowledge. They are also in the perfect position for stealing or for being framed as a thief. They could be working as a guard for personal gain to access areas or objects they seek, or on a moral level as a protector and guardian. Armsmen are very rarely women and on the extremely rare cases that they are, this is usually because they are being hired to be in close proximity to a woman they are protecting. Generally, armsmen are solely men and will have to convince their employer of total loyalty (whether this is true or not is up to the writer).


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Artisan Citizen Occupation

A skilled artisan in paint, sculpture, wool or cloth work or other such decorative pieces is similar to a crafter. They are usually higher-brow and employed by only the finest for items that have limited practical use. They tend to produce for the beauty of it, not for the purpose. As such they interact with the highest of individuals and may come from a noble or royal house themselves. They could be male or female and from any land or ethnicity. They could be kept within their own land by a father, partner or benefactor or travel extensively.


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Retainer Noble Circles

Ladiesmaids, handmaidens, retainers, ladies in waiting, aides, stewards... whatever you wish to call them, these are the support staff and entourage of the royal families. They will usually be assigned a single member of the family to follow and aid and most often be of the same biological sex as the member they are helping. Female royals generally have more retainers than the male, as they are considered worthy of protection, care and supervision. Also companionship. A woman's ladiesmaids are usually her closest friends as they are the only people she gets to see in any kind of privacy. The retainers of men are usually more practical: scribes and aides to send messages or finalised paperwork before the royal heads off to another meeting. Valets and stewards to carry their possessions or items of use during a day of travelling. Armsmen (see Armsmen entry) generally accompany retainers to form a full entourage. Royal women can journey for something as simple as visiting another royal household with upwards of a dozen staff if they wish to. Men tend to move with less than half a dozen just for convenience's sake. Royal retainers are at the height of society and are therefore chosen from the upper classes themselves. A royal retainer will normally be a child of a branch royal house or a noble family. They are very rarely, if at all, common-born.


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Advisor to the Crown Positions of Power

The Hellas senates have a chief advisor to the crown and two further advisors to the crown. All of these roles are equal to that of a Master (e.g. Master of Coin) and hold a vote in the senate hall. Their task is strictly to be the sounding board / counsel to the ruling monarch, allowing a single brain to become four when making heavy political decisions. Characters wanting this role will need to have had a heavy background in politics or scholarship. They will likely be from noble backgrounds, given the money and influence needed for such an education. And they would need to hold a position of complete trust and perceived loyalty to the crown. They must be men and they can be of any age but likely older (particularly the Chief Advisor) so that they can have years of experience under their belt.


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Master of Law Positions of Power

The Master of Law is the highest authority on the written law of the Hellas Senates. They are not a judge, nor do they make decisions in changing or implementing the law, but they are the wise interpretor of generations of written rules and conduct. Their opinion, therefore, holds a great deal of weight when it comes ot judiciary matters. This role can be held by anyone, noble or common born so long as the character in question does not hold a Head of House position but they will be expected to be highly educated, spending years studying the legal tomes of the land, which means a certain level of wealth must have backed them from a young age. To claim this role, a character may have a history in legal and political study and will have likely worked within the senate as an administrator or advisor. They would be older, with years of service under their belt and must be male.


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Master Informer Positions of Power

The Master Informer is a secretive but official role within the Hellas Senates. They are the political system's eyes and ears. They will often have a network of spies and informants from whom they receive numerous reports. It is their task to decide what is significant and what is not and report the appropriate information / messages to the monarch. It is a position of great suspicion and awkward authority, not to mention huge trust on the part of the ruler. This role can be held by anyone, noble or common born so long as the character in question does not hold a Head of House position but they will be expected to be highly connected even before taking on the role, so noble birth, with access to the powerful people in the land, does make this easier. To claim this role, a character may have a history as a spy or simply an avid gossip from a young age. They may have been a noble or royal's personal informant before becoming a Master themselves. They would be older, with years of service under their belt to form their extensive information network and they must be male.


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Master Scholar Positions of Power

The Master Scholar is leader of the teaching institutes and learning materials within a Hellas kingdom. It is a position of authority in the senate. Whilst the management of schools of learning, its teachers and the resources like libraries and other resources all fall under their remit, not all Hellas kingdoms have these places to tend to. A Master Scholar's overarching duties is to the progression of a kingdom. This might include working with the Master of War to record and develop military tactics and training practicesl recording the movements of the seas and oceans with the Master of the Sea in order to learn more about currents and fishing seasons; or working with native or international inventors to ensure that their kingdom is always at the height of mental evolution. They are also in charge of the temples within their kingdom and how they are managed to ensure the benevolence of the Gods. This might sound like a 'catch all' role, but the Master Scholar is an essential role for keeping the different elements of the senate running smoothly and is considered the leading authority on how to ensure a prosperous future for their land. This role can be held by anyone, noble or common born, so long as the character in question does not hold a Head of House position. They are, however, expected to be highly educated, intelligent, versatile and diplomatic, as well as highly connected with significant persons both within their kingdom and internationally. These requirements are more likely to be gained by someone of noble birth than common. To claim this role, a character will have a history in scholarly endeavours and has likely been within the senate as an administrator, aides or advisor for years. In order to acquire the years of experience and skills necessary for this role, any character taking it on will likely be older and must be male, due to senate regulations.


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Master of War Positions of Power

In the Hellas senates, the Master of War is the chief-most authority on combat decisions but he does not often go to the battlefield. This works in two ways. One, the Master of War will decide the overarching aim of conflicts with other lands - i.e. is the aim to cripple their resource routes, to find a diplomatic approach or simply to crush with overwhelming might? This is relayed to the active commanding officers and they are responsible for translating that intention into action, however they see fit. It is their responsibility to achieve the Master of War's desired result. On the flip side, all reports of military conflicts funnel up and through the Master of War, so that they may strategise and plan for future endeavours. The Master may then issue commands, such as certain battalions needing to improve their archery unit due to poor performance or new breeders found for chariot horses because the ones they have are not tall enough. The Master of War will always come from active service and experience in war but, once a Senator, remains theory and stategy only. Sometimes, a Master of War will keep his commanding office and continue to go to war himself, but this behaviour falls under his active rank, not his Master of War obligations. As a Master of War must have command experience in the highest levels (levels that are more or less barred from common born soldiers) it is unlikely that any common born characters would have the experience to ascend to Master of War status. The Master of War is always male, due to restrictions on senate attendance.


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Imyr t'mty Noble Circles

The Seal Bearer of the Pharoah is an official position within the K'm't Council. Used as a ceremonial position when the pharaoh signs or seals any decrees, it is also the Seal Bearer's duty to read through all contracts or laws due to be signed for error or issue. It is their responsibility to ensure that the pharaoh never signs something that could be dangerous to his / her person or nation and it is their duty to ensure the careful storage of those decrees once sealed and baked (in clay). The seal bearer is effectively the key to the legal doctrines of K'm't. Due to the xenophobic distrust of the Kemetic people, this role is almost always filled by a native Egyptian. It is also always held by a literate man of vast education, high profile and usually noble birth.


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H'tys Noble Circles

Leaders of Heis (the K'm't equivalent of a baron) receive a seat in the K'm't Council. However, other seats are also taken by powerful men of trade, wealth or privilege. These seats are purchased, traded and highly coveted in K'm't. They can be held by either biological sex, though they are far more likely to be held by men than women and usually by those of local ethnicity and nationality. Generally, those able to purchase such seats hold enough power that the only likely course of acquiring it was inheritance, meaning that most h'tys are noble born. Anyone who holds a current seat on the Council but does not have an overriding rank (like Sirdar), is known as a H'tys.


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Imyr r'wt Positions of Power

The Overseer of the Chamber of the Pharaoh is effectively a mediator and referee to the Council. They are not allowed to pass opinion or judgement on a matter themselves. Their sole duty is to ensure that all men are heard fairly and without misunderstanding. That being said, there are a thousand subtle ways in which an overseer can show one side of an argument in a better light than the other before the pharaoh. This means that this role is incredibly powerful and often open to blackmail and bribery as h'tys seek favour in how they manage the Council meetings. Any character wanting to fulfil this role must be native to K'm't and male with a background in scholarly application and political negotiation. They are also more likely than not from a noble or even the royal family.


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Imyr s'str Positions of Power

The Overseer of Secrets is a tricksome and shadowy role. Beholden only to the pharaoh, they are a seat on the Council of K'm't and leader of an advanced spy network across multiple lands. This network is inherited when a new Overseer of Secrets is appointed and continues to grow as years go by. The imyr s'str is not obliged to speak in Council meetings unless asked a direct question, but if it is discovered that he possessed information dangerous to K'm't and did not offer it when able, the Overseer would be in seriously hot water. This role can be filled by either a man or a woman, but it is usually a man due to the level of power involved. And, as it involves the knowledge of sensitive information, the Kemetic xenophobia ensures that the imyr s'str is always from K'm't.


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Monarch (Male) Positions of Power

Lugal (Assyria and Babylonia), Leier (Bedoa'mt), Tabarna (Hattusa), Basileus (Hellas), Pharaoh (K'm't) and Kónungr (Ostjord). Monarchs are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, areas may be led by women, with an open husband position for original creations. Check our Lands Overview page for current male rulers and which are available to claim.


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Monarch (Female) Positions of Power

Nin'sēgulla / Ninngu (Assyria and Babylonia), Leierin (Bedoa'mt), Haššuššara (Hattusa), Basilinna (Hellas), Pharaoh / Hmt'Nswt (K'm't) and Dróttning (Ostjord). Monarch consorts are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, monarchs may be unmarried or widowed, with an open wife position for original creations. Check our Lands Overview page for current female rulers and which are available to claim.


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Tawannana Positions of Power

A unique position of female power in Hattusa. The Tawannana are not open to original characters and is pre-established through our canon characters with a strict inheritance pattern. On very rare occasions, the Tawannana role may be left open for original creations if a direct inheritance is not found. Check our Lands Overview page for information on our current Tawannana in Hattusa.


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Crown Prince Positions of Power

The next male in line for the throne, the crown prince is the first-born son of a monarch in most lands. However, they can also be another relative appointed as successor to the current monarch. Tartēnu (Assyria and Babylonia), Leierseun (Bedoa'mt), Tuhkanti (Hattusa), Basilu (Hellas), Waa'hid S'nesuw (K'm't), Kónungrson (Ostjord). The sons of monarchs are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, the opportunity for surprise illegitimate offspring is open for original creations, depending on the character / likely behaviour of the parents. Check our Lands Overview page for current crown princes and which are available to claim.


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Crown Princess Positions of Power

The next female in line for the throne, the crown princess is the first-born daughter of a monarch in most lands. However, they can also be another relative appointed as successor to the current monarch. As most lands prefer males to inherit first, Crown Princess are often rare. Basilem (Hellas), Waa'hid Set'nesu (K'm't), Leierseunin (Bedoa'mt), Erlene / Konungrdóttir (Ostjord), Amiira (Babylonia and Assyria), Tabarna'hāssas / Hāssas (Hattusa). The daughters of monarchs are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, the opportunity for surprise illegitimate offspring is open for original creations, depending on the character / likely behaviour of the parents. Check our Lands Overview page for current crown princesses and which are available to claim.


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Prince Positions of Power

The son of a monarch. Basilu (Hellas), Itnein S'nesuw / Talaata S'nesuw / Arba'a S'nesuw / S'nesuw (K'm't), Leierseun (Bedoa'mt), Konungrson (Ostjord), Tartēnu (Babylonia and Assyria), Tuhkanti (Hattusa). The sons of monarchs are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, the opportunity for surprise illegitimate offspring is open for original creations, depending on the character / likely behaviour of the parents. Check our Lands Overview page for current crown princes and which are available to claim.


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Princess Positions of Power

The daughter of a monarch. Basilem (Hellas), Set'nesu (K'm't), Leierseunin (Bedoa'mt), Konungrdóttir (Ostjord), Amiira (Babylonia and Assyria), Tabarna'hāssas / Hāssas (Hattusa). The daughters of monarchs are not open to original characters and are pre-established in each kingdom through our canon characters. On rare occasions, the opportunity for surprise illegitimate offspring is open for original creations, depending on the character / likely behaviour of the parents. Check our Lands Overview page for current crown princesses and which are available to claim.


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Head of House Positions of Power

Leaders of Dynasteia families in Hellas are not open to original characters and are pre-established through our canon characters with a strict inheritance pattern. On very rare occasions, there may be the opportunity for original characters to claim Head of House status if there are no other male inheritors and a surprise illegitimate family member is discovered, depending on the character / likely behaviour of their parents. Check our Character Census page for current Heads of Houses and which are available to claim.


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Master of Coin Positions of Power

The Master of Coin role within the Senate is open to noble or common born individuals, so long as they do not hold a Head of House position. It is their task to monitor the royal treasury and the economic state of the kingdom, such as fund allocation for war efforts, public events and general maintenance of the cities and provinces. They are also in charge of overseeing the tax regulations and payments throughout the land. They hold a seat in the Senate and are the foremost authority on internal money handling. They work closely with the Master of Trade. To claim this role a character would need to be male and older / experienced, have served a life in trade or high value goods such as jewel or fine metal work, appear loyal to their kingdom and have earned this role through decades of service. This character is geographically limited by their duty to report to the Senate monthly, if not weekly, but geographically free because their status and power allow them to travel when necessary.


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Master of Trade Positions of Power

The Master of Trade is a seat within the Senate that can be help by anyone noble or common born, so long as they do not hold a Head of House position. The Master of Trade works closely with the Master of Coin when assessing the internal economy of their kingdom but also has a strong focus on international trade of goods and resources. This role may be focused on economic gain (if the kingdom itself is affluent in natural resources) or be a matter of necessity (if the kingdom does not produce certain resources for themselves and are reliant on neighbourly trade). The Master of Trade also has a political element, responsible for keeping good relations between the kingdoms and their most prestigious traders and merchants (men who are often of noble or higher birth). They are the foremost authority on international relationships and may travel often. To claim this role a character would need to be male and older / experienced, have served a life in trade or negotiation such as in the political field, appear loyal to their kingdom and have earned this role through decades of service. This character is geographically limited by their duty to report to the Senate monthly, if not weekly, but geographically free because their status and power allow them to travel when necessary.


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Master of the Sea Positions of Power

The Master of the Sea is a significant role in the Hellas Senates. It can be held by anyone, noble or common born so long as the character in question does not hold a Head of House position. The duties of the Master of the Sea include reading the waves and the skies for future movement or dangers, assessing the levels of resources being fished in different areas and maintaining the harbours and ports. In kingdoms where the sea is particularly necessary for food or trade, the Master of the Sea is an incredibly important role. To claim this role, a character may have a history in trade and maritime travel, have been a sailor or a soldier who spent large numbers of years at sea, or a philosophical or scientific scholar, focussing on maritime behaviour. They would be older, with years of service under their belt and must be male.


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Civil Aide Noble Circles

From the Hellas Senates to K'm't's Council or Assyria's Council of Ministers... all political bodies require support. A civil aide might be someone who merely fetches and carries documents, food and wine. Perhaps they clean the room in which the most powerful individuals in the world conduct their business. Maybe they are scribes, dictating and transcribing the meets. Whatever the task, civil aides have a front row seat to history being made. Aides can be of noble or common birth. Some children of royal families might spend some time working in this capacity to learn the political field or children of lower houses might make life-long careers here. Civil administrators may be personal aides to particular people such as the Hellenes Masters or Heads of Houses. A civil servant role is a good stepping stone for those who wish to become politicians in the future. Any character wishing to take on this role must be connected in some way with a family or individual of authority in order to secure the position. If they take on the duties of a scribe, they must be literate and probably multilingual for when matters discussed are between more than one land.


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Senatorial Steward Noble Circles

A senate steward of Hellas holds no authority in and of themselves. They are a male spokesperson for female senators. As women are not permitted inside the Senate chamber (with the exception of a monarch's immediate family members), daughters or wives who hold baroness positions cannot attend Senates and vote upon matters. In their place, they send a male steward. To claim this role, a character would need to fulfil one of two roles: an experienced and trusted older politician, able to adapt and make decisions on their baroness' behalf. Or a less experienced / more subservient character used simply as a tool for the female politician to be more involved in the political decisions of her kingdom. This character can be of noble or common birth with the focus being their appeared or real loyalty to their female senator.


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Family Trader Citizen Occupation

Like a personalised shopper / designer, a family trader may be employed by an exceptionally wealthy family to purchase high-end goods on their behalf. They would operate as a go-between the nobility / royalty and specialised traders. They would also be responsible for selling possessions that families no longer want. They are focussed on the personal possessions of the family, not their business of trade or anything on a professional level for the family in question. This role could be for a male or female character, but must be someone who can prove they have exceptional taste: either the child of a noble / royal family or an elevated retainer, someone court trained or simply a really good con artist. This role could work with multiple families at once and have many economic, financial, gossip, political, drama or romantic plotlines. They may also receive access to the upper echelons of society like Court but be free to roam the lower levels of society as they wish.


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Inventor Citizen Occupation

Alongside crafters, those who think outside the box have something to offer the trading world. An inventor of things such as new tools, architectural designs, looking glasses or telescopes might be under the beneficiary of a high born family. Trying to invent gliders or wings that might send Icarus too high is a grand calling that may be connected to a land's military efforts, their scholar institutes or singular families who hope to develop and harbour the latest and greatest minds. Inventors are so outside of the norm that their biological sex matters little unless in a land with extreme prejudice. Another plot to consider with this role is their scientific standing against the world of religion. Be sure to read our World Religion information so that you know the kinds of minds an inventor might be going up against and our Houses Registry to find a noble or royal family potentially interested in funding future advancements (look for the richest and the most academic or militarily minded).


Idea #1:HERE

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Idea #3:HERE

Breeder Citizen Occupation

Horses are the lifeblood of many of the lands. Whether as personal transport or to draw carriages, carts or chariots. Dogs are also essential for hunting, household security and general domestic pets. Livestock such as cattle, sheep, goats and pigs are used for milk, wool and meat. All of these animals must be bred and cared for before they are put to work. Breeders are therefore essential and often have long-term contacts and relationships with trainers (if they do not train the animals themselves) and buyers such as nobility or military groups who buy the necessary animals in bulk. Please note that Babylonia, Phoenicia, Bedoa'mt and Ostjord do not use chariots or cavalry in their militia so are unlikely to purchase large numbers of horses.


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Trainer Citizen Occupation

Either breeders will sell animals they have had trained by an independent trainer or will train animals like war horses themselves. Alternatively, a buyer may purchase the animal and then seek out a trainer themselves or have one on staff. Trainers focus less on livestock and more on hunting dogs and horses. Equine training could be focused on docility if they are looking to produce a horse able to carry a fine lady or be intended to whip an animal into war-horse standard. Trainers can work with lower classes or they can be at the height of society, working with the animals owned by the very wealthiest. They can be of either biological sex but men are often preferred for horses given their strength when wild. This role would bring a character into close proximity with people of all sectors and walks of life, even perhaps Court if a member of the rich and powerful brings them along. Check our Houses Registry for families that may have interest in training services. If working in bulk, focus on the houses that trade in horse flesh or have strong military connections.


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High Priest Spiritual Roles

Male leader of a formal religious sect or temple. Ypsilí Hierós (Hellas), Waa'hid Hm'Wieb (K'm't), Summus Sacerdos (Roma), Dingir Entu (Assyria and Babylonia), Mahn'Kohen (Phoenicia), Sankunniyant (Hattusa). A high priest is in charge of those that work within a physical temple. They organise public and private events of worship, handle the servants, slaves and priests/priestesses within the temple. They are the chief authority on that particular temple and perhaps the singular God the temple is devoted to. Some lands only have high priests, refusing to let women rise to this level. Some require priests to be chaste or eunuchs. Please check the World Religion page to see where your character idea might best fit. Most temple locations on the site are open to having a high priest original character. You can find a list of these temples in our World Religion page. This role is likely to be given to a character of later years and large experience, or to a young character if they are believed to be particularly holy, an oracle or otherwise excessively devout for some reason. They will rub shoulders with the most powerful of people in the politics of their land and be sought out for spiritual and divine guidance. They are not geographically mobile, likely to be kept with their temple / city but hold immense power / authority.


Idea #1:HERE

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Idea #3:HERE

High Priestess Spiritual Roles

Female leaders of a religious sect or temple. Ypsilí Lereía (Hellas), Dingir Enu (Assyria and Babylonia), Sankunniyant (Hattusa). A high priestess is in charge of those that work within a physical temple. Usually, a temple must be female-only for its leader to female. High Priests can rule over temples with both priests and priestesses but a High Priestess only exists to rule over female-only orders. A High Priestess organises public and private events of worship, handles the servants, slaves and priests/priestesses within the temple and are the chief authority on that particular temple and perhaps the singular God to which the temple is devoted. Some temples require chastity of their priestesses, others do not. Please check the World Religion page to see where your character idea might best fit. You can find a list of temples there also. Please also check our Factions and Orders page for religious sects such as the Cypress Sisterhood. The role of High Priestess is likely to be given to a character of later years and large experience, or to a young character if they are believed to be particularly holy, an oracle or otherwise excessively devout for some reason. They will rub shoulders with the most powerful of people in the politics of their land and be sought out for spiritual and divine guidance. They are not geographically mobile, likely to be kept with their temple / city but hold immense power / authority.


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Idea #3:HERE

Priest / Preacher Spiritual Roles

Male follower/worker of a religious sect or temple. Hm'Wieb (K'm't), Entu (Assyria and Babylonia), Kohen (Phoenicia), Sankunni (Hattusa). Devout to their temple, a priest is more globally mobile than their leader. They may leave the temple on missionary business or to carry out trade or tasks necessary for the temple's upkeep. Otherwise, they work within the temple, carrying out daily tasks and helping the populace with their religious needs. They are generally respected but unlikely to be too involved with the very high echelons of society. Different temples require different expectations of their priests and we recommend reading our World Religion page in order to learn more.


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Idea #3:HERE

Priestess Spiritual Roles

Female follower / worker of a religious sect or temple. Lereía (Hellas), Enu (Assyria and Babylonia), Sankunni (Hattusa). Devout to their temple, a priestess is more globally mobile than their leader. They may leave the temple on missionary business or to carry out trade or tasks necessary for the temple's upkeep. Otherwise, they work within the temple, carrying out daily tasks and helping the populace with their religious needs. They are generally respected but unlikely to be too involved with the very high echelons of society. Different temples require different expectations of their priestesses and we recommend reading our World Religion page in order to learn more.


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Fugara Spiritual Roles

Fugaras are similar to oracles in that they are seen as the voice and interpretor of the Gods. However, they are less mystical than they are taught. Particular individuals are believed to have a natural talent or aptitude for the skills of a Fugara and are trained in elixirs that promote a meditative state of commune with the divine. They are often skilled herbalists and tonic-makers and they read signs in bones, sigils, feathers, fire, the stars and the weather. They read the events of man through the people that participate in them and interpret the future. Fugaras can be of either biological sex and are highly respected and feared. Their word is almost akin to the word of the Aegir themselves. Fugaras are often tattooed or body painted with intricate designs in their hair and garb to set them aside from the mortal population. Fugaras that are thought to have lost their connection with the Gods are merely feared as witches.


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Maíes Spiritual Roles

A priestess of the Cypress Sisterhood, specifically skilled in midwifery. This role will allow a character access to almost any home if there is a pregnant woman in need and also carries out tasks related to abandoned or orphaned children. They are geographically mobile, must be female and must abide by a vow of chastity when becoming a priestess. They are considered powerful healers and trusted beyond measure. They are well received into households and often given food and refreshment without having to pay in the hopes that the Goddess will smile upon the host family.


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Kynigós Spiritual Roles

A priestess of the Cypress Sisterhood, specifically skilled in hunting. A priestess is always considered welcome to most households, even those that focus on the violent element of their faith. Huntresses carry out the sacred duties of their goddess Artemis, including sacrifical hunts and the exploration of lost children or families. They venture far and wide to spread the word of Artemis and bring families together. They are geographically mobile, must be female and must abide by a vow of chastity when becoming a priestess. They are considered powerful fighters and are one of the reasons that the kingdom of Colchis permits female archers into their military. They are well received into households and often given food and refreshment without having to pay in the hopes that the Goddess will smile upon the host family.


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Idea #3:HERE

Jarl of Ships Combat Experts

Every sippe within Ostjord has many Jarls. Most are merely Jarls of land or of people. And whilst this rank is one of importance within their town or steading, there are three Jarl roles that are far superior: The Jarl of Blades, Jarl of Shields and Jarl of Ships. The Jarl of Ships is in charge of all water transportation for their sippe. But it is more than that. They are responsible for reading the seas and the skies, they manage the building of boats and the training of sailors. They decide when it is safe to sail and when a storm should be avoided. They are the chief navigator in any excursion across the waters or down rivers. Some Jarls take their influence so seriously that they will drag an enemy into half a foot of river water so that they can then declare a superiority; for water is their domain. Jarls can be of either biological sex and rise from any level of birth within the sippe. But they can only be appointed by the Konungr so some form of contact / connection with the king is necessary.


Idea #1:HERE

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Idea #3:HERE

Jarl of Blades Combat Experts

Every sippe within Ostjord has many Jarls. Most are merely Jarls of land or of people. And whilst this rank is one of importance within their town or steading, there are three Jarl roles that are far superior: The Jarl of Blades, Jarl of Shields and Jarl of Ships. The Jarl of Blades is the equipment expert and handles the resources of a sippe. They are responsible for ensuring all their warriors are fully equipped, if they are not able to equip themselves. They manage all blacksmiths in the area and handle the importing of raw metals. But they are also responsible for non-combat essentials like food, lumber and cloth. They handle the plunder taken by the sippe and raids and help the Konungr to decide where to invest in his people. Whilst they are named after the blades they ensure their people will have, the Jarl of Blades secures everything essential within the sippe. They can be of either biological sex and rise from any level of birth within the sippe. But they can only be appointed by the Konungr so some form of contact / connection with the king is necessary.


Idea #1:HERE

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Idea #3:HERE

Jarl of Shields Combat Experts

Every sippe within Ostjord has many Jarls. Most are merely Jarls of land or of people. And whilst this rank is one of importance within their town or steading, there are three Jarl roles that are far superior: The Jarl of Blades, Jarl of Shields and Jarl of Ships. The Jarl of Shields is in charge of combat. They train the warriors of the sippe, they teach the battle tactics of ambushes, sieges, field combat and the shield wall. They are exceptional fighters in their own right and generally considered to be the strongest within the sippe at any one time. They are fearsome and they are strategic. The Jarl of Shields can be of either biological sex and rise from any level of birth within the sippe. But they can only be appointed by the Konungr so some form of contact / connection with the king is necessary.


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Sailor Citizen Occupations

Working as a sailor on a ship gives a character global mobility but not freedom. Your character will be required to journey where the ship goes, though this could be far and wide. Also, your character could be on an NPC ship, so whilst they might not IC be in control of where they go, you can dictate this OOC. Alternatively, find a sea captain you want your character to sail with in our Character Compendium and work with them to form a crew so that the restriction of journeying together feels more like fun than limiting. A sailor can be male or female, depending on the superstitions of the land they hail from. They could be experienced and lead the crew under their captain or be brand new and scrubbing the decks. They would need to be strong as sailors of this era journey both by sail and by oar.


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Idea #3:HERE

Pigeon Fancier Citizen Occupations

Almost all the known lands in Aeipathy send communications by bird. Some will send a messenger but for speedy delivery, pigeons are best. A pigeon fancier is therefore one of the most integral, respectful and important roles within a land. Especially if they work for a significant (or even the royal) family. Pigeon fanciers breed and train pigeons to fly on direction and return to their mates. They then arrange for the birds to be collected by human messengers after the message has been delivered.


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Slave Enslaved

Whilst many lands have a sophisticated slave system with multiple types and ranks, Bedoa'mt keeps things simple. To Bedoans, it doesn't matter if someone is taken into slavery because they are a war captive or sentenced to slavery as a criminal or simply born as one. All slaves are simply slaves and owned by the leier of the gesin. If someone requires slave labour for something, they can make a request to their leier and the leier chooses whether or not to grant it. Generally speaking, all slaves will be actively in the keeping of others most of the time, as it would be impossible for the first family to feed their entire gesin's slave population. But even when in the company / possession of others, the true owner of all slaves in their gesin's leier.


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Idea #3:HERE

Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for Aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to the members. Any similarities to people or settings, fictional or real, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please no stealing of our skin or our world. Come join us instead! Thank you to all who help make Aeipathy great!