Dearest aunt,
I have a request that I fear might be selfish in nature. As you know, Evras is expecting another child, and Dion is set to go down to the mines for the next six months. With the added attention the country needs as I support my mother's regency, I fear that she is going to be alone a good deal of the time. This is the most promising pregnancy yet, since the tragic loss in 680, and I fear being without engaging company she might feel some despair set in once more.
If you would be willing to part with her, I believe having Essa to keep her cheerful would to a great deal to ease the burdens. She often speaks of her fondness for my cousin, and it would be a relief to have someone young and lighthearted as her in the house while Dion and the others are away. We could have a room ready for her as soon as she is prepared if your leave is given, and she is of course welcome to stay as long as she wishes and you allow.
I've sent this letter along with her, but there is no rush in a reply. I know it would be a burden on your own family to part with her.
Your nephew, Zanon