Prince ,
I cannot suppress my surprise when my slave brought your letter. I was not expecting any sort of reply, not because I did not think you would send one, but because I did not expect you to have time to sit down and put words to paper. As your life and travels keep you far from home often, I was not entirely sure that you would have found a chance. I feel quite honored that you have taken the time to reply to my letter.
Having no brothers of my own, I have never experienced first hand the sense of duty that seems to come from being in the service of your country. My father does not share tales of his time in the military, in favor of his adventures in raising and breaking horses. I suppose I do not have any formal understanding of that kind of selflessness, where you would put yourself in danger for a complete stranger. As normal and expected as it seems to you, the entire act was not only unexpected, but it certainly has altered my perspective of the true duty of those who serve.
It has brought it far closer to home than I would have ever expected. But perhaps, it is good for me to see. My gilded life has ill prepared me for the events of the Circus.
My sister is recovered from the events, as far as I can tell. And it is certainly sweet of your to inquire about her well being. She has pressed me to include her thanks within my letter, for she does not wish to intrude on your busy life. My mother, on the other hand, is far more cautious with her daughters. No longer are we allowed to wander the city with but one person to protect us. Her fear of this new threat is only distracted by the wedding planning of our dearest Theodora. As we work to discover a new sense of security, the wedding will be a welcomed reprieve.
I have received an invitation to visit Athenia as a guest of Princess Emilia, who I have become close to in recent weeks. She is a sweet girl who reminded me too much of my sisters. The soft spot I have developed for her since the Circus is one that I believe will last a lifetime. It is the first time that I will be leaving the small world that I was born into. As someone so well traveled, do you have any recommendations for places that I must see on my travels? While I know that the princess will certainly be the best of hostesses, I wonder what else people find to be exciting and worth seeing.
Perhaps, since you are so limited in your experience, you might wish to continue to write? I must admit you have only made me more curious as to your life and character, and I would be most pleased to continue writing to you. If you are too busy, I understand.
I hope this letter finds you well.
May the Gods Keep You,
Selene of Leventi.