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Haviv Bayith
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The city province of Ammun is home to the largest of markets and trades between Judea and other realms to the north and east; particularly Anatolia. With a few arabian-looking faces on the streets and products and goods from all over Asia and Europe being peddled at its markets, the family who lead the settlement have to be tolerant to a certain point. Focusing on the money and trade that can be accomplished from strangers and foreigners and how the taxes of such trades then go towards Judea as a whole and the service of God, the Haviv family see it as their role to continue the flourishing economy within Ammun, regardless of who it is making the deals within it. Unlike in Moab where a favour is worth a thousand gold pieces, the Judeans of Ammun work exclusively in coin and refuse to take payment in anything else. They are skilled crafters and traders and know the worth of an item at immediate glance. All appraisers by nature, it is the Haviv family's responsibility to ensure that no disagreements or fights break out within such a competitive atmosphere and to handle the aftermath of any raids or thefts that happen along its borders or in its streets. The people of Ammun are loud and boisterous and all about their goods and trade which means the Haviv must have strong personalities if they are to lead a people with such firm wills of their own. The family is one of the richest in Judea and enjoy luxuries that others might consider to be slightly materialistic but they are careful to never step too far into false idolism or shallow thinking.

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