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In Character Resources
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General In Character Resources Threads
Started By: The Staff Team
Latest Post: The Staff Team
Jun 27, 2022 6:32:12 GMT
Total Posts: 0
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Houses Registry 
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Specific Sub-Locations
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Lands Overview
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Story and Statistics
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Maps and Diagrams
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House Registry
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Factions and Orders
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NPC Roster List
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Historical Timeline
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Glossary of Terms
Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for Aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to the members. Any similarities to people or settings, fictional or real, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please no stealing of our skin or our world. Come join us instead! Thank you to all who help make Aeipathy great!