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We at Aeipathy encourage open and honest forms of communication. If you have a problem with the site, coding, plotting, a member dispute or anything else hindering your experience of Aeipathy, our staff team want to know about it. Below are ways for you to see resolution for a problem yourself. If these prove no use, please use the anonymous report form at the bottom of the page.

At Aeipathy, we love feedback. To streamline suggestions from our community, our feedback form is open once a month. You can find more information regarding the feedback form on our Improving Aeipathy page. This page is for pressing, negative or urgent issues. First Port of Call NewcomersWhen stuck, Newcomers should always DM their mentor as a first choice for help.
MembersEstablished members should see our #quick-reference channel on Discord for resource help. If this does not lead to a solution, creating a ticket in the #request-help channel is the next port of call.
Broken Links / Code Found some coding on-site that doesn't appear to work? A link that seems to go to the wrong place or a page that won't load right? If you're having problems with anything regarding the site design please send a message to our staff team on Discord as soon as possible. If you have screenshots of the problem, please include them, as this will help us diagnose and fix the problem faster.
Plotting Problems Running Out of Plots
Feeling lost at sea with nothing to write? We recommend checking out our Plotting Plus+ page for guidance on how to find more plots / story ideas and our Improving Aeipathy page if you're looking for more to do with your time here on-site. If you've tried everything these pages have to offer, message our staff team; we're happy to help, however we can.
Impossible Plots
If you are struggling to make a plot work due to travel times, geography or recent changes in the global plot / events, just message our IC Admin. They will be happy to help work through the plot and devise a way for it to work without creating a paradoxical hole in our fictional time and space.
Differences of Opinion
If you are having issues with another member while devising plots, we recommend re-reading our Community Ethos page. We hope that these principles wll help guide a new approach on the topic. If you still cannot agree on how to proceed as plotting partners, please contact our IC Admin for mediating help.
Member Disputes If you are having an issue with another member or struggling to communicate productively with someone in our community, please refer to our Community Ethos for guidance on how to navigate social interaction with our community. If you are keeping to these principles / doctrines, but still having difficulties please contact our OOC Admin.
Report an Issue Anonymously The form below is a space for specific comments and concerns. This form is hosted by Google Forms and is anonymous. It will not be linked to you in any way unless you choose to identify yourself.
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Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for Aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to the members. Any similarities to people or settings, fictional or real, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please no stealing of our skin or our world. Come join us instead! Thank you to all who help make Aeipathy great!