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Ads and Affiliation
Affiliating and advertising are the best ways to keep a roleplay forum active. And whilst our staff team work hard to keep Aeipathy's name spread across the internet, our members can also help the cause should they wish to. Affiliation Affiliating with Aeipathy is a great way to have your site advertised to hundreds of traffic visitors every month. Because of our popularity, we have a few rules in place for those wishing to advertise with us. The below is copied from our fundamental rules guide:
06.01All affiliate images must be 88 x 31 pixels in size.
06.02All affiliate images listed on Aeipathy have been compressed and hosted on our own site to save homepage loading time.
06.03All affiliated sites that are 18+ or contain mature content must be displayed separately on our homepage.
06.04Due to space issues, all affiliate images must be static .jpg images. No gifs or randomisers. If you cannot provide one, our staff will create one from a screenshot of your current affiliate.
06.05All affiliate images are subject to minor aesthetic changes to meet with our theme design. We never adjust or edit the images themselves, only CSS coding such as borders or opacity to fit with our theme.
06.06You must be submitting a request for affiliation with the permission of your site's admin team.
06.07Adding affiliates to our homepage may take up to 3 working days. Please be patient with our staff team.
06.08We regret that we cannot affiliate with any site that:
OneHas fewer than 50 member accounts.
TwoHas had 0 IC posts in the last 60 days.
ThreeDoes not have Aeipathy's affiliate image on their homepage.
06.09We affiliate in like-for-like. If you place Aeipathy's affiliate image on the first line of your affiliates, we shall do the same for yours.
06.10We do not host scrolling or random-choice affiliate boxes. All of our affiliates are viewable on our homepage at all time. As such, we do not accept any randomiser-choice affiliates in return. If your site only has scrolling affiliation, we permit your affiliation so long as Aeipathy's image is the first on your scrolling bar.

Submission of an affiliate request is tantamount
to agreeing with the above terms.
Our Button
As shown, we have both a gif and static version of the button and request that the gif code be used where possible. As soon as our affiliate button is on your site, you can request that we do the same and add yours to Aeipathy.
GIF Code
<a target="_blank" href="https://aeipathyrp.com/"><img src="https://storage.forums.net/7040057/images/sxZxpsD0AFQscneXbdRe.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World RP"></a>
Static Code
<a target="_blank" href="https://aeipathyrp.com/"><img src="https://storage.forums.net/7040057/images/BuhMDYBBziJqkpEnmoto.png" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World RP"></a>
Request Affiliation To request affiliation, please simply ensure that our affiliate icon is already on your site in accordance with the above rules and send us the below information. You can send this directly to our staff team, join our Discord server or use the Guestbot feature on our site to talk to us in Discord without logging in (see bottom right hand corner of the screen). We look forward to hearing from you!
» Site name
» Site link
» Whether your site is 18+?
» Your affiliate image.
Advertising Whether you're a member of Aeipathy or just a good samaritan looking to help spread the word, everyone is welcome to post the following advertisements wherever they like, in accordance with the following rules taken from our fundamental rules guide:
06.11The codes for our ads cannot be adjusted in any way.
06.12Our ads cannot be posted where hosting sites will not allow - always check local rules regarding advertising.
06.13Our ads cannot be posted on resource sites such as RPGDirectory, except by staff members. These are for forum posting only, not directories.
06.14All ads must be posted in the correct coding format, based on the site you are posting it on.
Standard Advertisement The below is our usual Ad. It gives basic information and has a randomiser gif, showing off the different lands and resources on our site. We recommend using this ad for posting in roleplay forums' general advertising boards. Please always be sure, when posting our ad, that you are posting it in the correct board and that our ad has not already been posted on that site.

<center><a href="https://aeipathyrp.com/"><img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"></a></center>
BBCode [center]
[center][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/a][/center]
BBCode [align]
[align="center"][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/a][/align]
Land-Specific Advertisements Each of the below ads is custom to a particular land in Aeipathy's IC world. Our usual Advertisement includes a randomiser that will load one of the following ads upon page refresh. To use only a particular land ad, you can use the code to the right and insert the image URL from one of the below images. We recommend this method if you are sending an ad to a particular user on another site, who may only be interested in a specific land from our selection.

<center><a href="https://aeipathyrp.com/"><img src="IMAGEURL" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"></a></center>
BBCode [center]
[center][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="IMAGEURL" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/a][/center]
BBCode [align]
[align="center"][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="IMAGEURL" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/a][/align]
Information Advertisement If you are posting to a forum request thread or want to highlight more of Aeipathy's features when you spread the word about us, please use this code. It is a combination of our Standard Advertisement (one image with randomised options) and further information/text about our features. This is our full ad and can be used on general advertising boards or in response to request or 'looking for' threads.
<center><a href="https://aeipathyrp.com/"><img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"></a> <br><br><b>We have 9 Lands in total. Refresh to see them all.</b></center> <br>Aeipathy is an award-winning, original, <b><font color="#e09f2f">ancient-world roleplay</font></b>. Our world stretches from the Scandinavian shores of north-western Europe to the Assyrian plans of the Arabian peninsula and is broken into nine different <b><font color="#e09f2f">fictional 'lands'</font></b> inspired by great BC empires. Our stories fall into the genre of <b><font color="#e09f2f">historical drama</font></b>, court politics and inter-personal dynamics that might include: familial strife, patriotic war, political strokes or the daily troubles of civilisation. The inclusion of <b><font color="#e09f2f">divine beings</font></b>, played by anonymised members, keeps the fates of man fickle and our plots spontaneous. <br><br>Whilst we encourage in-character activity, we have <b><font color="#e09f2f">no word-count</font></b> restrictions and do not hold activity checks. Our <b><font color="#e09f2f">unique, custom-built activity system</font></b> and <b><font color="#e09f2f">character system</font></b> remove the need for activity checks entirely and allow members to find a level of participation that works for them. Support and search tools make our lore-heavy world <b><font color="#e09f2f">easily navigable</font></b> and our applications, <b><font color="#e09f2f">automated thread trackers</font></b> and plot development resources are built into our accounts, removing the hassle of coding or aesthetic concerns. <br><br>We are a community of <b><font color="#e09f2f">mature</font></b> story-tellers who are proud to call ourselves culturally, socially and linguistically <b><font color="#e09f2f">diverse</font></b>. Our site's visuals are <b><font color="#e09f2f">fully customisable</font></b> for user comfort including: contrast, font size, font style and brightness, and our regular voting polls put <b><font color="#e09f2f">global plots into the hands of our members</font></b>, not our staff. Aeipathy is over <b><font color="#e09f2f">four years old</font></b> and we look forward to seeing our story continue. Our world expands as our membership grows and we currently have four of our nine lands open for roleplay! <br><br>✔ Welcoming, Inclusive and Mature Writers <br>✔ 3-3-3 Content (but not required) <br>✔ No Word-Count, No Activity Checks <br>✔ Generally Intermediate+ (but accepting of all writers) <br>✔ Real-life Face Claims <br>✔ OOC Events, Challenges, Seminars and Games <br>✔ IC Events, Provincial Storiesand DnD-Inspired Quests <br>✔ House Cup Championships <br>✔ Anniversary, Holiday and Bi-Annual AU Events <br>✔ Characters: Canons, Wanteds, Originals - whichever you prefer! <br>✔ Opportunities to Build Your Own House / Faction <br>✔ Dedicated Staff Team and Mentor System <br><br>If you're interested in seeing more of us, don't hesitate to come <a href="https://aeipathyrp.com/">check us out</a>! You can also jump on our <a href="https://discord.gg/MbEdW7GMfJ>Discord</a> and say hi! No pressure to join, no obligations! <br><br><center><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXJaS3SY2wA><img src="https://storage.forums.net/7040057/images/xbzpPomMOFcyjNrUgfOC.png"></a> <br><br><a href="http://aeipathyrp.com/><b>COME JOIN OUR EMPIRE</b></a></center>
BBCode [center]
[center][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/url] [b]We have 9 Lands in total. Refresh our ad see them all.[/b][/center] Aeipathy is an award-winning, original, [b][font color="#e09f2f"]ancient-world roleplay[/font][/b]. Our world stretches from the Scandinavian shores of north-western Europe to the Assyrian plans of the Arabian peninsula and is broken into nine different [b][font color="#e09f2f"]fictional 'lands'[/font][/b] inspired by great BC empires. Our stories fall into the genre of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]historical drama[/font][/b], court politics and inter-personal dynamics that might include: familial strife, patriotic war, political strokes or the daily troubles of civilisation. The inclusion of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]divine beings[/font][/b], played by anonymised members, keeps the fates of man fickle and our plots spontaneous. Whilst we encourage in-character activity, we have [b][font color="#e09f2f"]no word-count[/font][/b] restrictions and do not hold activity checks. Our [b][font color="#e09f2f"]unique, custom-built activity system[/font][/b] and [b][font color="#e09f2f"]character system[/font][/b] remove the need for activity checks entirely and allow members to find a level of participation that works for them. Support and search tools make our lore-heavy world [b][font color="#e09f2f"]easily navigable[/font][/b] and our applications, [b][font color="#e09f2f"]automated thread trackers[/font][/b] and plot development resources are built into our accounts, removing the hassle of coding or aesthetic concerns. We are a community of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]mature[/font][/b] story-tellers who are proud to call ourselves culturally, socially and linguistically [b][font color="#e09f2f"]diverse[/font][/b]. Our site's visuals are [b][font color="#e09f2f"]fully customisable[/font][/b] for user comfort including: contrast, font size, font style and brightness, and our regular voting polls put [b][font color="#e09f2f"]global plots into the hands of our members[/font][/b], not our staff. Aeipathy is over [b][font color="#e09f2f"]four years old[/font][/b] and we look forward to seeing our story continue. Our world expands as our membership grows and we currently have four of our nine lands open for roleplay! ✔ Welcoming, Inclusive and Mature Writers ✔ 3-3-3 Content (but not required) ✔ No Word-Count, No Activity Checks ✔ Generally Intermediate+ (but accepting of all writers) ✔ Real-life Face Claims ✔ OOC Events, Challenges, Seminars and Games ✔ IC Events, Provincial Storiesand DnD-Inspired Quests ✔ House Cup Championships ✔ Anniversary, Holiday and Bi-Annual AU Events ✔ Characters: Canons, Wanteds, Originals - whichever you prefer! ✔ Opportunities to Build Your Own House / Faction ✔ Dedicated Staff Team and Mentor System If you're interested in seeing more of us, don't hesitate to [url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"]come check us out[/url]! You can also jump on our [URL=https://discord.gg/MbEdW7GMfJ]Discord[/URL] and say hi! No pressure to join, no obligations! [center][URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXJaS3SY2wA][IMG]https://storage.forums.net/7040057/images/xbzpPomMOFcyjNrUgfOC.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://aeipathyrp.com/][b]Ready to Join Our Empire?[/b][/URL][/center]
BBCode [align]
[align="center"][url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"][img src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/aeipathyadvert.gif" title="Aeipathy: Ancient World Roleplay"][/url] [b]We have 9 Lands in total. Refresh our ad see them all.[/b][/align] Aeipathy is an award-winning, original, [b][font color="#e09f2f"]ancient-world roleplay[/font][/b]. Our world stretches from the Scandinavian shores of north-western Europe to the Assyrian plans of the Arabian peninsula and is broken into nine different [b][font color="#e09f2f"]fictional 'lands'[/font][/b] inspired by great BC empires. Our stories fall into the genre of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]historical drama[/font][/b], court politics and inter-personal dynamics that might include: familial strife, patriotic war, political strokes or the daily troubles of civilisation. The inclusion of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]divine beings[/font][/b], played by anonymised members, keeps the fates of man fickle and our plots spontaneous. Whilst we encourage in-character activity, we have [b][font color="#e09f2f"]no word-count[/font][/b] restrictions and do not hold activity checks. Our [b][font color="#e09f2f"]unique, custom-built activity system[/font][/b] and [b][font color="#e09f2f"]character system[/font][/b] remove the need for activity checks entirely and allow members to find a level of participation that works for them. Support and search tools make our lore-heavy world [b][font color="#e09f2f"]easily navigable[/font][/b] and our applications, [b][font color="#e09f2f"]automated thread trackers[/font][/b] and plot development resources are built into our accounts, removing the hassle of coding or aesthetic concerns. We are a community of [b][font color="#e09f2f"]mature[/font][/b] story-tellers who are proud to call ourselves culturally, socially and linguistically [b][font color="#e09f2f"]diverse[/font][/b]. Our site's visuals are [b][font color="#e09f2f"]fully customisable[/font][/b] for user comfort including: contrast, font size, font style and brightness, and our regular voting polls put [b][font color="#e09f2f"]global plots into the hands of our members[/font][/b], not our staff. Aeipathy is over [b][font color="#e09f2f"]four years old[/font][/b] and we look forward to seeing our story continue. Our world expands as our membership grows and we currently have four of our nine lands open for roleplay! ✔ Welcoming, Inclusive and Mature Writers ✔ 3-3-3 Content (but not required) ✔ No Word-Count, No Activity Checks ✔ Generally Intermediate+ (but accepting of all writers) ✔ Real-life Face Claims ✔ OOC Events, Challenges, Seminars and Games ✔ IC Events, Provincial Storiesand DnD-Inspired Quests ✔ House Cup Championships ✔ Anniversary, Holiday and Bi-Annual AU Events ✔ Characters: Canons, Wanteds, Originals - whichever you prefer! ✔ Opportunities to Build Your Own House / Faction ✔ Dedicated Staff Team and Mentor System If you're interested in seeing more of us, don't hesitate to [url="https://aeipathyrp.com/"]come check us out[/url]! You can also jump on our [URL=https://discord.gg/MbEdW7GMfJ]Discord[/URL] and say hi! No pressure to join, no obligations! [align="center"][URL=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXJaS3SY2wA][IMG]https://storage.forums.net/7040057/images/xbzpPomMOFcyjNrUgfOC.png[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://aeipathyrp.com/][b]Ready to Join Our Empire?[/b][/URL][/align]
Spreading the Word At Aeipathy there is more than one way to celebrate spreading the word about our forum. If you've been preaching to the internet about Aeipathy, check out the awards you may be entitled to:

For every advert you post on a site where Aeipathy is not already in the first page of ad results, you'll receive our Big Mouth award profile badge! Like our other profile badges, this comes with two member points! Just claim your badge at the end of the month.

As advertising is a step above and beyond normal member conduct, we feel as if the Big Mouth award and its two member points just aren't enough for those who go all out! Members, therefore, also receive a bonus for hitting each of the following totals per month, if they decide to really hit the advertising circuit hard. To request your bonus points use the points system request form.
10 Ads per month
10 Big Mouth Badges = 20 Points +5 Bonus Points
30 Ads per month
30 Big Mouth Badges = 60 Points +10 Bonus Points
80 Ads per month
80 Big Mouth Badges = 160 Points +25 Bonus Points
150 Ads per month
150 Big Mouth Badges = 300 Points +50 Bonus Points
Bring a Friend
Bringing a friend along to Aeipathy will gain you the Call to Arms badge as soon as they have a character accepted on the site. Just claim your badge like any other profile award once their character has been accepted. Become an Ambassador
Our Ambassadors are those who have gone above and beyond advertising Aeipathy long-term. To claim an Ambassador role and its rewards, a member must have completed the required criteria and three of the four package options below:
Required Criteria
» Have posted 100+ roleplay posts on Aeipathy's IC boards (not including AU).
» Have posted 30+ OOC posts on Aeipathy's OOC boards (including AU roleplay).
» Be a Level 2 Patron or higher on our Patreon page OR a monthly $5 tipper on our Ko-Fi account.
» Follow us on all our social media platforms:
Package Option #1
» Have posted our ad on 400+ roleplay forums / discord servers.
Package Option #2
» Have replied to 50+ 'site requests' on resource forums / discord servers, recommending Aeipathy.
Package Option #3
» Have an account on 3+ of the following resource sites (your choice):
» Have Aeipathy's GIF affiliate icon (above) in your signature / account on all of those 3+ accounts.
» Have posted 100+ posts across those 3+ accounts (no single account with less than 10 posts).
Package Option #4
» Have posted a review of Aeipathy on each of the following resource sites (this can be the same review posted more than once, just be sure to follow any templating requirements on each site so that your review is not removed):

Complete the group marked 'Required Criteria' above and three of the four package 'options' and you'll receive our Ambassador reward pack! This includes:
» The 'Ambassador' profile badge added across your accounts.
» The 'Ambassador' role on our Discord server. This role has a custom emoji attached, whenever our Discord server is boosted to Level 2.
» A one-time reward bonus of 300 member points when achieved.
» An on-going 'salary' bonus of 15 member points per month from then onwards. This salary is accumulative with any other salary achieved.

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Aeipathy's layout was skinned exclusively by JD for Aeipathy. Our writing home has been open since June 2018. All original content © to the original staff team. Lore additions made by the community are © to Aeipathy itself. All character content © to the members. Any similarities to people or settings, fictional or real, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please no stealing of our skin or our world. Come join us instead! Thank you to all who help make Aeipathy great!