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Kalospíti Fidi Chortari
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An anomaly in a province that is infamously known as the seediest province in Colchis, the Fidi Chortari is situated on a cliff's edge, with a large garden around the back. Made with marble columns and a large statue of Dionysus on top of a grand fountain right in the middle of its private family courtyard. The manor house for the baron of Megaris has its marble columns covered in vines, and the entrance hall of the house is carved with many myths and legends of the God revered by the Thanasi household. Gilded with gold and built to ensure the sea breezes are utilized to cool the interior of the house, the exterior area's available to guests seem open and welcoming - but a very different story will meet the ones granted access to the inner sanctums of Fidi Chortari.

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General Kalospíti Fidi Chortari Threads
Started By: Deleted
Latest Post: Mihail of Thanasi
Aug 8, 2021 21:50:55 GMT
Total Posts: 5
5 Replies
in cold blood 
5 Replies
Started By: Deleted
Latest Post: Deleted
Jul 27, 2021 13:08:01 GMT
Total Posts: 5
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cut to black 
5 Replies
cut to black 

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