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Royal Quarters
Total Threads3
Total Posts20

Home to the current monarch of Taengea, the royal line has been in the Mikaelidas family for so long that many of the last kings have been conceived and born within these chambers. Known to be large, excessive and exceedingly opulent - as one might expect of Taengea - the royal quarters of the palati leave no-one in doubt that these rooms host only the richest and most authoritative family in the kingdom.

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General Royal Quarters Threads
Started By: Deleted
Latest Post: Deleted
Sept 29, 2021 12:44:30 GMT
Total Posts: 0
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Started By: Deleted
Latest Post: Deleted
Jul 21, 2021 18:56:53 GMT
Total Posts: 16
16 Replies
Coming Out 
16 Replies
Coming Out 

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Started By: Deleted
Latest Post: Deleted
Jul 3, 2021 5:43:15 GMT
Total Posts: 1
1 Replies
The Blush of Petals 
1 Replies
The Blush of Petals 

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