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The Greater City
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The Greater City stretches in a web of right-angled streets lined with sun-drenched limestone and adorned with modestly gilded facades. Distinguished by its affluence, though not opulence, these districts boast stately homes and grand merchant residences, each designed with symmetrical precision. Ornate doorways, framed in precious cedarwood, open to reveal lush courtyards where water gardens teem with lotus blooms and date palms rise tall, casting dappled shade upon the cobbled pathways. Lively marketplaces, sheltered under intricately woven awnings, hum with the barter of fine silks, exotic spices, and precious gems. Amidst the serene beauty, musicians play lutes and harps, their melodies weaving through the air, blending with the fragrant aroma of incense and baked bread. Soldiers, less ostentatious than those of the royal guard, patrol these streets, maintaining peace among the citizens of Babylon.

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