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Located in the southern eastern corner of Europe, Hellas is the centre of the Aeipathy world map. A realm of one mainland kingdom and two island-based kingdoms with beautiful seascapes and clear horizons, Hellas is a picturesque realm of blues and whites. The people of Hellas tend to be thoughtful, brave, honour-bound and traditional. Consisting of many islands, all within a few hours to a few days of travel to each other, the limited land that is available in the Aegean is generally fertile and good for growing fruit and exotic vegetables. The seas around the islands are high in fish and wildlife. The Greek people are skilled boat builders and sailors. The climate of the area consists of hot, sweltering summers and a rainy season with monsoon-like torrents in the fall.

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Last Reply By Eirini of Leventi

Aug 5, 2023 23:58:24 GMT
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